Do I Need an Eye Cream? Which ingredients should I look for?

Do I Need an Eye Cream? Which ingredients should I look for?

by admin on Dec 01, 2022

Well, the very short answer to this question is yes, we should all be using a good eye cream and ensuring we treat this most delicate are with the utmost care.

But how do we know which product and ingredients are best for us, and what other little tips and techniques, do’s and don’ts are there?

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We certainly need to remember that the skin around our eyes is thinner than the skin on the rest of the face, and the lid is pretty much the most delicate anywhere on the body and is no more than tissue paper thickness. Therefore, before we look at treating with product we must make sure we don’t damage the area by accident. Always remember to be careful when touching your eyes as the fragile skin here will act the same way when treated roughly. When cleansing the eyes always use damp cotton wool to reduce snagging and carefully support the skin in place while wiping with gentle circular motions, cotton buds are useful if you need to get right into the corners.

 Now look at your eye area closely, starting with the slightly darker skin underneath. Not everyone suffers from dark circles to the same degree as there is a genetic element, but lack of sleep will affect this a great deal. The orbital of our eyes has one of the most, dense capillaries networks to supply blood to them. When we sleep our skin is at its most busy, removing waste and deoxygenated blood, which looks purple or blue, and replacing it with fresh oxygenated blood which is much brighter and red in colour. If we do not get enough sleep, this process does not occur properly, and the stale blood is still visible the following morning giving us much darker circles, so get your rest!

There are some great ingredients for brightening the eye area to help disguise this concern, such as Pomegranate, Witch Hazel, Elderberry extracts and mineral pigments in an eye cream will deflect light away to minimise the appearance.

Dehydration can be a concern particularly underneath the eye, appearing as fine little creases in the soft tissue area. Look for an eyes serum with Hyaluronic Acid, our skin’s natural water and the most powerful source of moisture known to us.

If crow’s feet, and sagging eyes are of concern to you, look for Peptides. These are very popular for treating these lines as they give both a visibly instant lifting and tightening effect, as well as stimulating collagen to improve the creases in the long term. Many eye serums are now being developed to contain Fibroblast Growth Factor, this is an especially advanced and ground- breaking ingredient that stimulates the production of new connective tissue especially elastin, which will tighten, lift, reduce puffy bags and reduce drooping of the brow if used over the bone area.

Finally, a little extra tip for application, boosted if your eye cream contains caffeine is to look for some simple pressure point and drainage movements on line, that you can perform in front of the mirror when applying your eye products, this will stimulate the removal of toxins and waste, help relieve puffiness, improve circulation and visibly brighten the area instantly.

If you are reading this thinking ‘well I’m concerned with all these problems, so what do I do?’, don’t fret, you can simply use one eye cream in the morning and a different one for the night. Do search well though as there are some great ones on the market that tick most of these concerns and ingredients off in one product. Just remember, never apply product to you eye lid. It has no natural barrier to filter, and therefore you could just make your eyes irritated, sore and puffy. Apply a grain of rice sized amount around the orbital of the eye, feel your way along the bone and don’t go into the soft tissue, the ingredients will migrate there naturally, and you don’t want to get anything in your eye.

So! There we have it, the secret to bright, firm, beautifully radiant eyes is now yours, enjoy!

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