MCCM Medical Cosmetics - CLH Lipasi
MCCM Medical Cosmetics - CLH Lipasi combina la biotecnologia che utilizza tre enzimi che possono modificare le dimensioni delle molecole a contatto con il corpo. Questo prodotto agisce sul metabolismo dei trigliceridi oltre a favorire lo scioglimento del grasso localizzato accumulato. Gli enzimi attivi di MCCM CLH Lipase (collagenasi, lipasi e ialuronidasi) lavorano insieme per creare un significativo effetto snellente e rassodante sul corpo.
Questo è uno dei cocktail più efficaci per qualsiasi trattamento di riduzione del grasso localizzato.
Passaggio di routine: Trattamento
Tipo di pelle: tutta pelle
Zona di trattamento: Viso e corpo
Consigliato: Programmi di riduzione del grasso, prima della cavitazione e dopo la radiofrequenza per massimizzarne i risultati.
The treatment should only be performed by a professional.
Step by step protocol can be sent after purchase.
A personalised treatment plan is based on the patient’s unique requirements and objectives. The professional determines the treatment sites and the optimal number of sessions needed to attain the desired outcomes. On the treatment day, the selected areas are meticulously cleaned, and measures are taken to ensure patient comfort. Local anaesthesia may be administered, although it is important to note that many patients tolerate the procedure without the need for anaesthesia.ADMINISTRATION PROCESS
The MCCM CLH Lipase solution is administered into the targeted adipose tissue deposits. The solution facilitates adipocyte disruption, leading to the dissolution and subsequent elimination of fat cells. Notably, the treatment selectively affects the localized fat deposits, with minimal impact on surrounding tissues.
1 - How many forms this product has? There are 2 options: powder and diluted.
2- What is the difference between powder and diluted?
- Powder: it is 1500 IU, which means that it is 10 times more powerful than the diluted, it needs to be mixed with the MCCM Medical Cosmetics Sodium Chloride at 0.9%.
- Diluted: it is ready to apply, does not need to be mixed with anything. It is 10 times less powerful than the powder form.
3- Which type of Sodium Chloride (means Saline Solution) do I need to mix it with? You need to use the MCCM Medical Cosmetics Sodium Chloride 0.9% sterilised.
4- How do I mix it with the MCCM Sodium Chloride 0.9%? You need to add 1 ampoule of 5ml to each vial of CLH Lipase.