MCCM Medical Cosmetics - 私处美白护理
MCCM Medical Cosmetics - 私处美白护理
MMCCM Medical Cosmetics - 私处美白护理 旨在用于男性和女性的私密和外部私密美白。该产品是第一个革命性的治疗方法,可以提升、照亮和再生私密区域周围的皮肤。它是外部年轻化的非侵入性选择。
常规步骤: 治疗。
频率:2(最少)至 6 节课;两次疗程之间间隔 2 周 |保养:贴心美白霜 2 次/天(只需在要治疗的区域涂薄薄一层,打圈直至完全吸收)。
STEP 1: Wash the area and dry it well.
STEP 2: Apply the MCCM Mandelic Peel (1ml) homogeneously (max 4 min) and after, neutralize it with the MCCM Neutralizing Spray. (Do not remove it).
STEP 3: Apply the MCCM Glutathione Peel (1ml) homogeneously (max 10 min) and than neutralize with the MCCM Neutralizing Spray. Remove with abundant cold water.
STEP 4: Apply a thin layer of Intimate Whitening Cream (this is an intimate bleaching cream) until total absorption on the treated area. You need to apply this cream every day at night, and use a white colour and 100% cotton underwear
1 x Neutralizing Spray 50ml
1 x Vial Meso Mandelic 5ml
1 x Vial Glutathione Peeling 5ml